Potter Violins

Upcoming Events

Lya Stern Studio Recital

John Kendall Recital Hall 7711 Eastern Avenue, Takoma Park, MD, United States

Students of Lya Stern perform in this studio recital.

Dietrich Paredes Studio Recital

John Kendall Recital Hall 7711 Eastern Avenue, Takoma Park, MD, United States

Students of Dietrich Paredes perform in recital.

Ken Giles Studio Recital

John Kendall Recital Hall 7711 Eastern Avenue, Takoma Park, MD, United States

25 student violinists (and a violist and a guitarist) will perform holiday tunes and the Bach Double.  Ken Giles is the violin/viola/guitar teacher.

Christmas Story Time at the Potters Mansion

John Kendall Recital Hall 7711 Eastern Avenue, Takoma Park, MD, United States

Enjoy an evening of traditional Christmas music at the Potter Mansion. Guest will enjoy traditional Christmas music favorites by guest artists in the community and a reading of the Nutcracker story accompanied by Sarah Ramson on the Harp. Refreshments of hot apple cider and Christmas cookies will be served. RSVP here.

Linda J. Whitlock Studio Recital

John Kendall Recital Hall 7711 Eastern Avenue, Takoma Park, MD, United States

Students of Linda J. Whitlock perform in a studio recital.

Pain-Free Playing for String Players

John Kendall Recital Hall 7711 Eastern Avenue, Takoma Park, MD, United States

Pain-Free Playing for String Players Playing an instrument can be physically demanding, requiring coordination, strength, and flexibility. When your body is out of balance, you can run into pain, tightness and discomfort when playing. This class will use the principles of Pilates and the Franklin Method to create greater awareness and balance in your body....
